quick facts about gum

Her full name is Gum Eliza Haywood.

She was born in Crane's Bill, MI on April 3rd, 1992.

She enjoys gardening.

Likes to study multiple subjects. Makes sure to get good grades.

Shy, but not unwilling to talk. Only really talks to close friends. Generally uninterested in other people, but latches heavily onto those she finds interesting.

Came from a private school in Crane's Bill and moved to Pearl Sparrow. Family lost their income causing them to downsize and move to a smaller town, transfering Gum to the smaller school within Pearl Sparrow. She lived there for the rest of the time after graduating.

Reads a lot of books, will not watch TV or movies.

Can usually be found outside, hanging out.

Not well versed in conversation and tends to take things too seriously or misunderstand completely. Does not have bad intentions but can be difficult to communicate with if not on the same wavelength.

bits about her story

Was chosen by XO between the two cabins which had Lulu and Gum directly next to each other in the woods. Both were closely watched over by The Man. Lulu and Gum spent a lot of time together forming a bond similar to love. Gum was taken for 7 years.

a picture of gum, I dont have a lot right now and ill add some more later once i do
